
Polish Olympians Deal with Damaged Medals from Paris 2024

Olympic Committee Explores Esports Inclusion at Future Games

Bronze medals from the Paris 2024 Olympics are deteriorating just months after the games, raising concerns among Polish athletes.

Damaged Medals a Growing Concern

Polish Olympians who earned bronze medals at the Paris 2024 Olympics are reporting significant wear and tear just two months after the games. The medals are peeling and showing discoloration, with athletes like Aleksandra Jarecka and Aleksandra Kałucka confirming the damage. While the issue is limited to the bronze medals, it has caused concern among medalists and the Polish public.

Polish Athletes Speak Out

Several athletes, including the Polish épée fencers and rowers, have noted visible damage to their medals. Kałucka mentioned that her medal has become „noticeably worn, especially on the edges,” while Jarecka stated that although the lacquer is peeling, it does not bother her. Both confirmed that the medals are deteriorating evenly but significantly.

Potential for Replacement

In response to these issues, the Paris 2024 Organizing Committee has assured athletes that damaged medals can be replaced. This follows confirmation from other international sources that any medal showing significant damage will be exchanged, offering some relief to affected Olympians.


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